Turn Your Life into a Living Masterpiece: Rethinking My Habits

Over a year ago, I began a quest to manage my reactions because I was getting tired of myself. I was tired of my lack of control over my emotions. I was tired of having no concept of where my life was headed. I was tired of my mediocre life. That the only thing that seemed to change was my age and the number of failures I felt I was racking up. I had to start rethinking my habits if I wanted to turn my life into a living masterpiece.

So I started 2019 out with deliberate goals. To leave my job late summer and begin a year of travel in Asia. To really step up my YouTubing skills to take my channel where I envision. And to begin developing skills to create the future I want.

This is part 2 in a series of articles which reviews some of my key take-aways from online seminars which are helping me to figure out my shit. See the previous article looking at my highlights from Mel Robbins’ course, #MindsetReset here. I hope that by sharing my take-aways, you too reconsider your own habits, and begin taking steps toward changing the ones that don’t support the future you plan to create.


Jon Butcher’s life looks amazing. He travelled Asia bringing his young family along with him while homeschooling his kids. He and his wife created a very successful business and live in an incredible house in the United States. Their life looks like something I wish I had thought of creating years ago.

Jon and his wife Missy offer in-person coaching using their Life Book. Although I can’t travel over to them and take their course in person at the moment, Jon Butcher teamed up with #mindvalley to make an online one-month course called, How to Turn Your Life into a Living Masterpiece. I attended the free introduction seminar which introduces this course. The knowledge and tips I received from the interview with Vishen Lakhiani was incredible, and as a result, I’ve begun rethinking my habits. I intend to sign up for the one-month course soon.


Jon Butcher highlighted the importance of having a daily ritual of walking in a natural environment to reconnect with your partner. Although I don’t have a partner, I’ve been taking twenty-minute walks daily since watching this seminar to reconnect with myself. I find that these walks have been helping me get out of my head and be present in the moment, and this really helps particularly on weekdays when I spend most of my day inside either my workplace or at home.

I know I can use this time to be deliberate and think about a particular problem that needs special focus, but mostly, I visit a little park nearby where I can stand among the trees and listen to the birds. This new habit is having a serious calming effect on me.


Jon explained that he and Missy created a Life Book, a set of guidelines for 12 categories of life. I was surprised to learn that Jon placed foundational importance on health and fitness as the primary category from which to then develop other areas of life.

I thought the foundational category would have been your environment (quality of life) or perhaps your love relationship. But actually, your health and fitness, your strength, and energy levels impact what you bring to every interaction, and affects all the other categories of life. As a result, I’ve been returning to recipes featured in my Keto book, shopping for groceries more strategically to include many natural fats, and also taking mountain hikes within my city. This year, I’m going to feel younger than I did three years ago.


Jon highlighted that there’s a recipe for every emotion. Recipes for jealousy. Recipes for anger. Recipes for contentment. There are recipes for every feeling. The way to manage your emotions is to note what the recipe is to reach that feeling or emotion, and do more of that often if you want to harness that feeling.

So in response, I decided I wanted to reach the emotional state of happiness more often, so I had to do the things that make me happy. I wrote down in my journal that  playing a song that I love changes my emotional state sometimes within seconds. Music and dance is a super powerful way to snap out of a shitty mood. I also love to hike. Encounter dog owners and interact with their dogs. I love being around positive and ambitious people. Also, pushing myself to do challenging things, as well as achieving daily goals has really been helping me feel self-validated and mentally stronger.

I hope my article helped give you some food for thought. Check out this video on Jon Butcher and learn more about his intriguing lifestyle, and why it looks so appealing to me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article.


#progress – Take one step every day toward doing that thing that makes you feel fulfilled.

What physical and mental health tips have you learned recently? Please share in the comments below.

Tasha is author of Keto Brunches and Attract and Retain a Fulfilling Relationship.

Author, Natasha Banky


Keto Brunches page on Facebook and Twitter

Attract and Retain Fulfilling Relationships page on Facebook

Cover photo by @dahlhansentom

More articles by Tasha:


  1. I’ve always been one of those super workaholic types and the only thing that really kept me from going insane were long walks like you mentioned. Just silence and wandering thoughts or sometimes a really bomb soundtrack. But I think what you recounted about recipes for emotions is a really interesting take on it. I’m always interested in reading about different takes on human interaction so I think I’ll pick up this book and give it a read thanks to this!

    1. Yes, the recipes for emotions was super powerful. I’m not sure that Life Book was put on the market for people to buy. I understood from the seminar that Jon and Missy crafted it over years and they began to eventually share the concepts with friends and later began mentor-ship programs with people who came out and stayed with them, using their Life Book as a guide. The #mindvalley collaboration is based on the Lifebook, but this is a month long online course.

  2. This post is so timely as it makes me think about my progress. I’ve decided to follow through with an activity for 30 days to see how it influences my mind-frame. The activity is meditating and if you can believe Day 2 came around and …I forgot. Feeling a little disappointed but not discouraged, because as the quote goes: “It doesn’t happen in a day, it happens daily.” I’ll keep reminding myself that, while not giving up on a single missed day. Hope you’re well!

    1. Doing well, Alla, thank you. Meditation! I’m also working on that. I just decided that I have to work out some minds blocks I have about money creation. So I’ll be working on that for the next couple of days in my meditation practice. I’m also going full steam into the visualization process. It’s fascinating, and I’ve already began seeing results.

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