How to Develop Emotional Strength

We all have routines or habits. Whether we roll out of bed, grab a coffee and run out the door to work, or we do an exercise workout, meditate and drink protein shakes, we all have a routine. These routines or habits can be reactive, dis-empowering, and accepting of a mediocre existence, or they promote self-awareness, health, emotional strength, and empowerment to create our future. The choice is ours.

See the video version below.

I’m constantly assessing and improving my routine to help me develop emotional strength, and this begins with my morning routine. It’s a combination of strengthening myself physically and mentally. I begin by drinking a glass of water to re-hydrate my body, and play a song or two to help put me in a happy emotional state. I usually dance around my room, or I sing along to the lyrics which gets my body moving and energy flowing.

Next, I’ll pick a yoga or kizomba dance video to stretch my body. Then, I’ll meditate for about 10 minutes. I often follow Ekhart Yoga videos on YouTube for both yoga and meditation guidance.

I also often use a visualization technique to picture my life in the future. I image the location (usually India or Italy), what I can see around me, the smells, and who I’m with. Doing this helps me savour my future while I’m in the process of working toward making these goals a physical reality. Other times, I follow a Tony Robbins technique using breathing and stretching to energize your brain, and then imagine a moment that makes me feel really happy. Then I visualize future moments that I am working toward.

After visualization, I’ll write 3 things that I’m grateful for in my gratitude journal. This reminds me of all the reasons why I’m already rich and blessed, no matter my economic circumstances. I’m aware that when I’m in a place to recognize and appreciate what I already have, I am better ready to accept more abundance into my life.

I usually write down a paragraph on what my goals are, why I am working toward them, and how I am doing it. I took this idea from Stefan James (Project Life Mastery), and I like it because it reminds me daily of the reasons for doing what I’m doing. It keeps me focused. As time passes and I begin to focus more and more on particular projects. My goals begin to change and so these go through development stages.

My goals, my why, and my how (taken from April 29th 2018 journal entry)


Then I’m ready make breakfast and watch videos by my favourite YouTuber mentors, Evan Carmichael, Jake Ducey, Stefan James, Clark Kegley, Lily Ma, and Tom Bileu. I’ll look at my bell alerts and see which new video topic appeal to me most at that moment. I’ll also have post-it notes ready to write down nuggets of wisdom from these mentors that later get transferred to my journal.

But, despite all these positive morning habits, I’ve wanted to incorporate positive affirmations. Something has changed in my private life, and I suddenly need to strengthen myself more emotionally. Figure out who I am. What I want. Why I do what I do. And recognize the existing qualities I already have and appreciate myself for them.

I need to understand what I stand for, learn my #one-word, as Evan Carmichael puts it. Last week, I discovered that my one word is courage. It’s a quality I probably value most. But I need to learn more about myself. I need to really believe in myself, and trust that I am capable of creating a life that will leave no room for regrets when I’m looking back on my life someday.

So I’m making a pledge. That for the next 7 days, I will meditate twice daily using affirmations, before sleep time and when I wake up to strengthen myself and promote personal growth. And I want to see how building this habit into my routine can help me.


Thanks for reading.



What habit or routine are you going to change for a week? Share your pledge below, and let’s motivate and encourage each other.

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Author, Natasha Banky  Photographer, Hyeon Jin Jeong

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More articles by Tasha

How to Find the Right Partner

8 Steps to Making Achievable Goals

How I Wrote, Published and Marketed My First Book



  1. Having a different schedule each and every morning can be challenging when it comes to daily routines, but as my aching body reminds me daily, I need to stretch no matter what. So incorporating that into my mornings really helps to feel more limber and ready to take on the day. I wish my journaling was more regular as well as meditating. I’ll look into the Youtube Yoga/Meditation channel you recommended and will leave you with mine – Headspace App.

  2. A little bit hard to stick with the habits, in the busy world we are living. But I make sure to add alarm to keep me reminded on the routines I want to achieve.

  3. Routine is usually good for the mind as the brain likes patterns so this sounds like an awesome idea! I, unfortunately, thrive on a mixed schedule where my routine changes daily so I always find it difficult to keep up an exercise or such. Good luck!

  4. They say that it takes 21 days to develop a habit. When I want something like having a new exercise routine, I try to invite my little sister as well. Having partner really helped me in achieving my goals.

  5. I think the morning routine is so important for me to get on a good footing for the rest of the day. I think I got a bit off-step for awhile just with having a baby who wakes up hours before my body thinks I should and it threw off everything for awhile. Recently, I started reminding myself just to get that glass of water first thing and that has done wonders. Your morning routine sounds quite relaxing. Mine isn’t quite there yet… but with a toddler in the mix, hardly anything is relaxing hahahaha

  6. for the longest time, I wanted to put exercise into my routine. unhurried exercise. but my mind is always getting into what needs to be done, places where I need to go… I always motivate myself, do it for 7 days and before you know it, it will come naturally. i need, need, need this! and my physical and emotional strength will all follow.

  7. I found this very inspiring to read. It’s amazing how quickly we can fall into a normal routine and never question it or try to change it. I think it’s one of the biggest things that can make us unhappy, but it seems so hard to break out of. But It’s definitely possible! Thank you for sharing.

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