Why I Wrote a Recipe Book

The foundation to writing a Keto diet book began a long time ago. As a child, I was surround by health fanatics. My parents sold Herbalife, and our family attended the Herbalife conferences. There, we listened to success story after success story. Before I knew it, my grandma was taking the herbal products, and my aunty was selling them too. Our family had friends that seemed to know every piece of nutritional information out there. My mother even started experimenting with weird alternative ideas to improve gut bacteria. By age ten, I was sick of listening to anything related to health. I became a nutrition rebel.

As an adult, I mostly avoided nutrition supplements. The exception seemed to be that I’d pay attention if the advice came from my sister. I didn’t visit the doctor unless I felt like I was about to die. I had mostly been pretty healthy without all this insane attention to health and nutrition.

But about a year ago, something changed. I felt such low energy after returning from a trip abroad that I dragged myself unwillingly to a doctor. She ran tests, and later told me I had dangerously low iron. She prescribed that I immediately begin introducing small portions of protein to every meal. I heeded her advice, and began to notice a difference right away. This incident taught me a lesson. I couldn’t continue to assume that I’m always healthy and problems will fix themselves.

In the spring of 2018, I decided that I wanted to learn more about nutrition, and began to look at some of the well-known diets, including the Paleo, Whole30, and Ketogenic options popular in the United States. The more I learned from Keto diet books, the more I realized that my high carb diet was responsible for my under-performing body.

I’m thirty-eight years old, and for my day job, I teach elementary students at a local private school. My day usually entails teaching two three-hour slots. At the end of teaching my elementary students for the first three hours, I’m absolutely dead. The only energy left in my body is enough to find more food.

So while I began researching and learning about healthy fats from Keto diet books, I decided to slowly begin decreasing my carb intake, particularly grains (bread) and increasing my fats. I experimented by generously adding cold-pressed olive oil to dark leafy salads, and adding lots of ripe avocado. I consciously began adding eggs and bacon to my meals and buying raw nuts for snacks. I noticed a change immediately. After a three-hour marathon with my energetic students, I was no longer hangry! I was relieved to have discovered healthy recipes to help me get through my day.

But my journey didn’t stop there. I decided to compile my favourite keto recipes and put them together to create a small introduction to Keto meals for people like myself who just need to get started. I want to show people, perhaps stubborn ones like myself, that taking even a few basic steps to improve your health can make a huge difference to your mood and productivity. I named my Keto diet book, Keto Brunches.

I enjoy getting updates about the benefits of Keto, and what health experts are discovering as more and more doctors produce studies showing increased energy, improved brain function, healthier and younger brains due to dark leafy salads, and of course, the principle attraction of the Keto diet, successful and maintainable weight loss.

I’m very happy to be able to share my story, and hope that whatever your personal motives for being interested in exploring Keto recipes, whether it be to lose weight, improve memory, or like myself to gain energy, that you find Keto Brunches a light and easy introduction to taking better care of yourself.

Please check out the Keto Brunches page on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date with tips and tricks recommended by leading experts on the Ketogenic diet.

Thank you for reading this. It means a lot to me.



Have you had any health challenges? What resources have you looked to for advice? Please share your experiences and advice in the comments below.

Keto Brunches (digital format) is available on Amazon for pre-order. Get your copy here


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Keto Brunches on Twitter

Author, Natasha Banky  Photo, Hyeon Jin Jeong






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See other articles by Natasha.

How to Develop Emotional Strength

Anti-aging Fillers and Rejuvenation Scar Treatments



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